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Matrices >> History

The skip of the table is -31.
The master word of the table is : Hitler.
The slave words of the table are : Nazi and enemy, Evil man.
Wikipedia: Hitler

The skip of the table is 36.
The master word of the table is : The twin.
The slave words of the table are : Towers, Airplane, Twice, Fell.
Wikipedia: World Trade Center

The skip of the table is 3805.
The master word of the table is : Bin Laden.
The slave words of the table are : Assassin, Terror attack, The Twin, Towers, Death, Thousands of people.
Wikipedia: Bin Laden

The skip of the table is 181.
The master word of the table is : Bataclan.
The slave words of the table are : Kislev 2 (2015_nov_13) attack terrorism(x2).
Wikipedia: Bataclan
Wikipedia: Bataclan

The skip of the table is 9171.
The master word of the table is : Fourniret.
The slave words of the table are : the assassin, Mouzin.
Wikipedia: Fourniret
Wikipedia: Affaire Estelle Mouzin

The skip of the table is 13153.
The master word of the table is : Baltimore.
The slave words of the table are : bridge, which was enlightened, fell, to burn, cargo, vehicle.
Wikipedia: Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore
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