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with Tanakh translations in : ![]() Special offer: Help us translating the ABD Pro software from English or French into your native language and get a free licence!
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![]() What is the Bible Code ?It is the discovery, in the hebrew text of the Bible, of related words appearing not casually close to each other within a small size matrix. How does the Bible Codes work ? The text of the Bible is written as a series of letters without spaces or punctuation. It is then possible to find equidistant letter sequence (ELS) of one or more terms. We will denote the main term as Masterword and related terms as SlaveWords. How to search ELS of a term ? The text of the Bible is read with a skip of S letters (S can be positive or negative). If the skip is equal to +1, the text is read normally; if the skip is equal to -1, the text is read in reverse; if the skip is equal to +10, the text is read a letter on 10 and so on ... We search for all appearances where the text gives us the search term. How to find codes in a matrix ? We search ELS of the MasterWord and ELS of the SlaveWords. Then we research if there is a piece of text that contains many of the previous ELS. How to find a statistically significant matrix ? There are two main processes :
How Advanced Bible Decoder program can be helpful ?
ABD Pro is the only Bible Code Software that incorporates :
With ABD Pro, search the Bible for major events : Yitzhak Rabin Assassination, World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks, Madrid Train Bombings, AIDS virus, Space Shuttle Columbia, Wall Street Crash of 1929, Apollo 11 Mission, World Wars, Holocaust, JF.Kennedy Assassination, Presidential Elections and more...
Is your name encoded in the Bible ? With ABD Pro, you can now decode the past, understand the present, and reveal the possible futures written in the Torah Codes : the prophecy has begun. Examples of Tables found using ABD Pro software :
Discover amazing descriptive tables encoded in the Bible 3000 years ago.
Tables about many events as : World Trade Center, Space Shuttle Columbia, Baltimore bridge Tables about the Messiah (Mashiah) : Messiah, Mashiah Tables about politics and elections : J.F. Kennedy , Yitzhak Rabin , Clinton , Netanyahu , Sarkozy , Hollande , Macron , Kerrry and Bush , Trump Tables about sciences : Newton, Edison, AIDS virus, Covid virus, Electron Tables about sports : Platini, Bolt, Schumacher Tables about the bible code : Codes about the Torah Codes about the Code Codes with Word Echo Codes with EWS : Equidistant Word Sequence Codes with DLS : Dense Letter Sequence Codes with ALS : Anagram Letter Sequence ABD Pro software features :
Hebrew books included :
English translation books included :
* PLS : perturbed ELS as explained by Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg in the journal Statistical Science, Vol. 9 ('94) No. 3, 429-438. Optional translation books available :-French translation books :
-Spanish translation books :
-Portuguese translation books :
-Italian translation books :
System requirements :
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The study of Bible codes, also known as Torah codes, involves the exploration of hidden messages and patterns within the text of the Bible, particularly the Torah. These codes are often revealed through various methods, including equidistant letter sequences (ELS) and numerical values assigned to letters. The phenomenon is believed by some to hold profound insights into divine messages, prophecies, and hidden meanings within the sacred text.
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Aish HaTorah provides educational resources and articles on Torah codes, offering insights into the mystical and symbolic aspects of the codes within the context of Jewish education.
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This site delves deeply into Bible codes, providing detailed information and analyses. It explores the significance of encoded messages and their potential implications on understanding biblical narratives.
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Bible Code Digest is dedicated to articles and discussions on Bible codes, covering a wide range of topics related to biblical research. It aims to present diverse perspectives on the interpretation of codes.
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Focused on the study of Torah codes, this site offers information on research methods and showcases examples of coded messages found within the Torah, emphasizing the exploration of hidden meanings.
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TorahSearch engages in research and analysis of Torah codes, taking an exploratory approach to uncovering patterns and messages encoded within the biblical text.
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Highlighting the CodeFinder software, this site serves as a platform for the analysis of Bible codes. The software is a tool designed to aid researchers in deciphering and understanding coded messages.
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Bible Code Pictograms explores visual representations of codes within the Bible, emphasizing symbolic meanings conveyed through pictorial patterns found in the text.
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Bible Code and Ancient Calendars: This site explores the intersection of Bible codes with ancient calendars, examining prophetic elements and connections between coded messages and historical timelines.
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Theomatics focuses on codes derived from the numerical values of words in the Bible, exploring mathematical patterns and symbolic meanings associated with specific numeric values.
Bible Code Prophecy examines Torah codes in relation to biblical prophecy, providing perspectives on the prophetic significance of encoded messages and their potential implications for future events.
These websites collectively contribute to the ongoing exploration and discussion of Bible codes, offering insights from various perspectives, including religious, mathematical, and prophetic interpretations. It's important to approach these studies with an understanding of the diversity of opinions and interpretations within the broader context of biblical scholarship.